Nightlight: A Horror Fiction Podcast
As you've guessed, Nightlight is a horror fiction podcast, but it features black creators and voice actors. I know I talked about Nightlight before in my spoopy October list, but I also had to write a recommendation for it. I am still obsessed with "Basque of the Red Death" by Eden Royce. I have loved Poe's work for... goodness, it seems like my whole life I remember listening to cartoon versions of "The Raven" as a child and being all "woe is me," as a teen. When I came across Nightlight, I was planning on starting with the first episode, but I saw the title "Basque of the Red Death" and thought "Oh I have to listen to that one first." Below is an embedded player for Nightlight's episode 2 titled, "102: Basque of the Red Death by Eden Royce." CN: sexual predators, assault, objectification of women, slavery, human trafficking
If you are a fan of horror, I guarantee that you will love Nightlight. There is a story for everything:
Are you a fan of Lovecraftian stories? Try "306: Pink Lake by Steven Van Patten"
Enjoy stories about creepy puppets? Try "310: One Hand in the Coffin By Justin C. Key" (Note that the episode is a two-part episode so listen to 310 and 311)
Want a story about possession? Try "418: Possession by Jarred Thompson"
Trust me; you don't want to miss out on listening to Nightlight; it constantly reinvigorates my love of horror. Though I will warn you, you will be adding a lot of authors to your reading list. I don't know where I will find the time to read all of the things added to my list because of this podcast. If you enjoy podcasts like The Alexandria Archives, Old Gods of Appalachia, The No Sleep Podcast, Wrong Station, you will enjoy Nightlight.
You can find Nightlight in the following places by clicking the hyperlink:
Twitter: @NightlightPod
Note: The complete title is Nightlight: A Horror Fiction Podcast
Below are a few embedded episodes of Nightlight
Embedded player for Nightlight: A Horror Fiction Podcast episode 306 titled, "306: Pink Lake by Steven Van Patten."
Embedded player for Nightlight: A Horror Fiction Podcast episode 418 titled, "418: Possession by Jarred Thompson."